Thursday, October 6, 2011

Younger Tips ....

An interesting article about tips to keep us young. Apparently it is easy to stay young as long as we want a bit of discipline and attention to your own body.
Here are 10 tips for those of you who want to stay young:
1. Detox
Detoxification is the body of toxins expenditure on a regular basis. Fasting if executed correctly, is actually also a detoxification process. Even the cleanup is happening not only be born but also mental. Surely not have to directly do a detox for 2 weeks. For starters, you can try it for 2-3 days before, when the week-end.

2. Sleeping Beauty and enough
Sleep tight was healthy, in addition to a refreshing body and soul. People who sleep less tend to weaken the body resistance and susceptible to disease. Sleep disorders can interfere with concentration, memory, and creativity. While the fatigue resulting from not enough sleep can cause irritations and emotional imbalances, is also associated with many cases of accidents. Sleep tight is very important to look younger. Because during sleep, the body will release growth hormone that functions as well as repair and regenerate tissue cells of the body, including skin. With so happens rejuvenation of body cells, skin and tissue.
3. Sports
If you're not used to exercising, start from now. According to Miriam E, Nelson Ph.D., author of Strong Women Stay Young who is researching the effect of exercise and nutrition on female bones at Tufts University School of Nutrition, American. women usually begin shrinking bone and muscle density of about 40 years. Is partly due to lack of exercise. Bones and muscles are not trained are prone to shrinkage.
4. Relaxation
Learn to relax, because based on research conducted in Britain, anxiety can make the face look aged in a matter of months. But by learning to relax and manage stress well, could face look young again.
5. Keeping positive thoughts
Positive thoughts and affirmations that will increase energy and bring positive things in life. While thoughts and negative affirmations tend exhausting and potentially cause failure. It also makes you faster old and unattractive.
6. Conducting health check-up
Like a car, the human body also requires attention and good care for everyone can continue to work properly. Even if you feel healthy at this time, health checks done regularly to be done. That way, if a time arises disease, although still in the stage of initial symptoms, can be directly detected, so the handling is faster and easier.
7. Undergo an active life
You have to keep busy despite no longer young. An active life does not only make you physically fit, but also make your memory still works well. Be creative with your life, remember back to all interests and dreams that had not had time to do while young, is to learn to paint or play piano?
8. Enjoyable social life
Blessed are you are surrounded by friends who could be trusted and a place to share. Because according to Judith Wills in his book, Take Off Years in 10 Weeks, it also helps you to stay young. Friendship is ease of mind, reassuring, rejuvenating, and uplifting. In short to provide the things we need to feel
comfortable with yourself, that's meant to be composed of neighbors, coworkers, family members, to pen pals.
9. Noting the appearance
Before you start, it's good to pay attention to your body as a whole. Is your weight is ideal? If not, try to achieve ideal body weight with a natural way. Then consider the skin, hair, nails and teeth. Give extra attention to parts of it. Because that's where
the signs of aging most easily visible.
10. Healthy foods and supplements
Choose foods that are good habits every day not only makes us healthier and slimmer, but also look younger. Practically, the recommended food guidelines are:
1. Reduce consumption of red meat and increase fish consumption.
2. If you need extra protein, is best to eat nuts.
3. Eating fibrous foods which reach 40-50 grams of fiber a day.
4. Every day should consume 1-3 servings of vegetables from the cabbage family like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage or cauliflower.
5. Drinking water and fruit juices at least 2-3 liters per day.
6. Consuming caffeinated drinks to a minimum such as coffee and tea, aerated drinks, white sugar and processed foods made from flour mills.
7. Consume a variety of anti-aging supplements and herbs.

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